Paph armeniacum 'Aurora'

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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One of our Paph. armenicaums. We call this one 'Aurora'. It's a sib cross using 'Golden Emperor' AM/AOS as the pod parent. Got it a couple years back(mid-late 90's) as a young, single growth seedling from Joe Kunich at Bloomfield. It's now crawling all over a 4" pot, even out the drain holes. Click to enlarge a little.


Paph armeniacum 'Aurora'.jpg
plant pic

Paph armeniacum 'Aurora' plant.jpg

The rambler is on the right- you can see a couple smaller leaves creeping up from the black depths. I'll probably cut the pot apart when it's done blooming so I can get the distant growths in some mix to root. The white label is 6" long.

A striking yellow color. They are just growing so slowly. I got a very nice one 3 years ago and it seems it only grows a few milimetres a year.
So how long have you had it in this pot and what type of mix is it in that has lasted so long??? Are you saying 10 + years?
So how long have you had it in this pot and what type of mix is it in that has lasted so long??? Are you saying 10 + years?

This plant has had its share of abuse. Arm and mic seem to like abuse a lot IMO! It has been in this particular pot for about 3 years. Not exactly what we would recommend! The mix is: 4 parts medium bark: 1 part lava pebbles in the lower half or so with 6 parts fine bark: 1 sponge rock: 1 charcoal on top top dressed with crushed oyster shells twice a year. The open mix at the bottom is what has allowed it to be so happy for so long (well, we'll see how happy it really is at repotting time). The plant gets super bright light (Cattleya intensity for sure) in the late spring, summer, and early fall and is hot and pretty wet. It stays outside in a tent greenhouse painted white with latex paint diluted 1:1 with water until outside temps get down to about 40 F then it comes inside under four T12 fluors until spring gives us temps in the 40s again. The tent gets mid-day shade from a maple (when it's leafed up), but gets blasted from sun up until about 10 or 11 then again from ~2-5. We keep it drier when it's inside for winter. We try to treat most of the Parvis and Brachys like this, but Brachys come in a little earlier.

Oddly, we've had various clones of armeniacum blooming since February this year. This flower IS still on the plant and "fresh" as of today (8/11/09). Usually, these bloom in spring for us.

Oddly, we've had various clones of armeniacum blooming since February this year. This flower IS still on the plant and "fresh" as of today (8/11/09). Usually, these bloom in spring for us.


I have bracts showing on a micranthum and malipoense too, which is off season.

Usually my off seasons blast, so I hope they go as good as your armeniacum:wink: