Paph armeniacum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Bay Area, Calfornia
these bloomed nicely early spring but unfortunately they seem to go downhill from there =( not sure why, maybe needed a dry cold rest?

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I have found that under my conditions in basket culture, you should never let them dry out at any season of the year.
I added an updated photo, as you can see, I removed them from the basket culture. Watering was never an issue, I think it was just too much water during the winter. There's some new growths as you can see but its too early to tell what's happening and yes, the growth is sloooww...
Never get tired of looking at this species. Well done. I have a little one in a big basket that looks quite ridiculous but I think it has stopped going backwards HA HA!