Paph Bell Ringer 'Chimes' AM/AOS

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
One of my favorite "oldies", it was registered in 1949 by E.C. Wilcox. This particular cultivar was first awarded in 1961 by the AOS. It has not been a great parent, with 58 progeny in three generations receiving only six awards. The last time a cross was registered using Bell Ringer as a parent was 1984.


WOW!!! Ross, that is one great looking bloom, wish it were mine, thanks.... Jim.
one of only a few known one can imagine a pretty difficult breeder...
Nice complex Paph, they seem to be making a comeback on the orchid scene over here.
Ross, do you have a connection to growers here that buy the plants I sell ??? Just kidding, its just that the paphs I've sold over recent times turn up in pics from you.

I wish I had easy access to the wonderful plants you grow! In actuality, I have had the good luck to purchase many of my old complex Paphs from the collections of some of the fine breeders here in the U.S. Some are no longer in business such as Val and Jack Tonkin, Baker and Chantry, and Castle Rock Orchids (Wharton Sinkler). Others still are such as Marriott Orchids (Hadley Cash), Orchids, Ltd. (Jerry and Jason Fischer), Fox Valley (Tom Kalina), and Arnold Klehm. This partial list doesn't even include some of the best such as Orchid Zone and Theresa at Hillsview.
Ross, most of the better complex paph growers here are gone also or as one particlar grower does, makes some excellent crosses, keeps a few flasks for himself and sends the rest to Japan. Any other growers do very little work with the complex and don't selective breed. Its all slap happy breeding to my way of thinking and charge like a bull for the seedlings. Thats why I do my own now, atleast I know the quality of the parents. I did buy 2 flasks from Sam at Orchid Inn to increase the gene pool.
Ross I'd have to check - it's in an Orchid Digest (I think) from the 50s or 60s, but might be an AOS Bulletin...I wish there was an electronic index of AOS Bulletin articles - the OD index goes back to 1967 but not before.

Since some hybrids have been made with Bell Ringer, I'd assume they were made with 'Brocade' and that 'Chimes' would be totally sterile; alternatively, hybrids were made with some other clone that's not around anymore? Do you have both clones? They are so different in growth habit and flower 'Chimes' is tiny compared to 'Brocade'.