Two of my rothschildianum x thaianum from Sam are starting to open up. These are first blooms for both plants so I was expecting some funky flowers, but strangely enough one of them seems to have misshapen pollinia that also lack the “cap” I’ve seen on others. Can anyone here weigh in on this?
Pollinia aside, this one has a nicer shape than its sibling and some neat green veining on the staminode from the thaianum parent, which its sibling lacks.
The other one came out much darker, but interestingly enough the stripes on its dorsal sepal did not come in nearly as defined as the lighter colored sibling.
Will update again once they’ve fully opened! Not sure how much longer the petals will elongate or how much the dorsal sepal will open and flatten.
Pollinia aside, this one has a nicer shape than its sibling and some neat green veining on the staminode from the thaianum parent, which its sibling lacks.
The other one came out much darker, but interestingly enough the stripes on its dorsal sepal did not come in nearly as defined as the lighter colored sibling.
Will update again once they’ve fully opened! Not sure how much longer the petals will elongate or how much the dorsal sepal will open and flatten.