Paph. Chou-Yi Wench

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I like it!! My question is how do or did you grow it? Thanks for reposting!!!

I'll add the culture infos on the new thread that I'll post next week with the second bloom fully opened. :)

Pictures of it's first bloom 3 years ago (I can't edit my first post)





A little cuppy. Petals not quite flat. Maybe the photo angle, but the petals don't seem to have a very horizontal appearance. Maybe just my opinion.
It has it's flaws. The flower stem is too short and it doesn't allow the flower to open up fully (the segments are getting stuck on the leaves). Second bloom is not "better". But I loooooove it!!! It also kept it's light vanilla fragrance and the second time around, I find that it has more of a Karl Ploberger (hangianum x bellatulum) colour to it as for the first bloom (on this page) the colour is more yellow. Might change with time, the bloom hasn't finish opening up.
From the sound of it, I don't like orchid judge everything must be flat and round lol.. they are living organisms they should have character, I guess not in the eyes of a judge
Silvan's definitely has character and big "ears". I like it
too. Troy, as far as I can tell, most AOS judges don't
really know very much about slippers as a group and I
over heard an AOS judge tell another that he thought
slipper orchids weren't even orchids. Fancy that?
It just seems strange to me to look at a slipper and think it's not flat and round it's ugly but then again for somebody who doesn't like paphs or slippers to have to judge them would make it easy as a cirriculum to follow, there are 40,000 something different orchid species

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