Damn! that sounds like a really sweet cross!! Is it multi Robert? As a side note: I've been meaning to ask how did you get your start as a breeder for OL? That if I can ask.
Yes, it is a multi, it has 3 buds that I can see at the moment.
Regarding how I got started as a breeder, 11 years ago I got my degree in Plant Breeding at the University of Minnestoa (specializing in ornamental crops), and for 2 years I worked part time at the U as an Instructor and doing some research. As I have always been interested in orchids I took my class out to Orchids Limited one time (It was a class in Pot Plant Production): I wanted to show them a "different" type of nursery. At the time Jason (Jerry's son) was doing all the lab work, and he said to my students that they were looking for a lab assistant, I was thinking to my self that would be sweet to come and work here as well (as I just had a part time job), needless to say, as I have a degree in Plant Breeding, and had some Tissue Culture experience I got hired and started to work 3 days a week at Orchids Limited.
Instead of the assistant I became in-charge of the lab, and after 1 year I started working there full time. Besides doing the lab work I started doing all the hybridizing as well. Both Jason and Jerry where doing the hybridizing when I started, but I slowly took over. We have a code system here at Orchids Limited, and when I started here 9 years ago we were up to OL 1750, and that was after 20 years of hybridizing, now 9 years later we are up to OL 9500, but at the start of this year I started a new numbering system that starts out with the year, followed by a digit for the cross number (OL 08-001 etc.) We are up to OL 08-650, so that has been a lot of toothpicking over the years! Of all those crosses probably only 25 % made it to the greenhouse.