Paph Coos.

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Paph glanduliferum X chamberlainianum.

One spike in -08 and two this year.

Wow! What a difference between the years! Are you sure it's the same plant?:poke: Good job!
Isn't it amazing how much better the second flowering is -- this shows why it is always a good idea to let a plant flower at least 2X before determining whether to keep it or not. Bet you are glad you kept this one!
Isn't it amazing how much better the second flowering is -- this shows why it is always a good idea to let a plant flower at least 2X before determining whether to keep it or not. Bet you are glad you kept this one!

...nah, people should give these plants to me :)

This is a very nice plant with great flowers!
Nice! I love the coloring and the long twisty petals! Just what you would hope for with this cross!
when i first started growing i would have intensely disliked this plant but for some reason now i'm crazy about it!