Paph. Fajen’s Fiesta AM/AOS

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Nov 14, 2022
Reaction score
I am going to celebrate Rob’s latest award from Saturday’s MOS Show here in Madison Heights. This is just such an outstanding plant. I am confident that Littlefrog will see this and comment too.
He had this orchid awarded, AM of 84 points I think. Rob has the certificate in his hands.
I had AOS Judging Chair duties on Saturday so I didn’t get the privilege to score this but I obviously saw this up close. It is P. henryanum x P. moquettianum. You can easily see both parents in the background. Just look at that pouch! That is from moquettianum for sure! What a rich pink pouch. Look at the intensity of the dorsal, the wonderful petal stance with all the henryanum spots. And that dorsal was just so intensely green, especially on the reverse. Beautiful!! Just beautiful. Whether it is 84 points or whatever it is, I, after discussion and research might have been a bit higher. I hope he keeps the barn door closed, just kidding Rob😜, because this could easily have FCC potential. It was just that striking of a flower!
Congratulations to the head frogger!!! That is a beauty.
It was 80 points on the paperwork. Although this is substantially nicer than my first award to this grex, which I believe also had an 80 point AM... :) Judging is hard.

So, now my question is if you were going to cross it with absolutely anything (I have access to a lot), what would your dream cross be?
Oh that is an interesting question.
Would you go back on to henryanum or is there any value by crossing it with an alba Charlesworthii??
Or on to glaucophyllum?
Or liemianum? If liemianum’s picotee on the dorsal comes through, that could make a mess of things!
I don’t pretend to know anything about genetics or breeding traits of Paphs.
80 points? Really? 80 points. Damn, you got hosed. How did it compare size wise? I was glancing over Kristin’s shoulder and I much prefer the intense green dorsal on your plant. The other images I thought were kind of mustard color dorsals.
I still say you got hosed Rob.