Paph gigantifolium x ?

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Michael Bonda

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2020
Reaction score
Florida - southwest
I would appreciate some opinions. I just purchased this probable gigantifolium hybrid in flower at a local sale in Florida. It was impossible for me to pass up and my similar hybrids of gigan. X Lady Isabel (Shin-Yi Formosa)
gigan. X adductum (Haur Ji Lucky)
gigan. X stonei (Memoria Joe Levy)
have not bloomed this year.

I think it is gigantifolium X rothschilianum
(Paph Hung Sheng Eagle).
But I am not familiar with David Ott (roths x supardii) size of supardii leaf span/plant.
This is my largest leaf span plant with longest leaf at 27inches/69 cm.
Strong supardii influence. I had David Ott at one point and it was a more even mix of the two with a red pouch. If roth is in the mix of this plant it took a back seat for influence, maybe a grandparent.
i have one of these seedlings in my 'almost killed it area'.... probably would have flowered this year if i didn't have to hack the majority if its growth from rot... but here's a picture of leaf span... (and also a picture of philippinense x gigantifolium -you seemed interested in gigantifolium crosses - second year blooming still haven't decided if i'm going to keep it... lowest flower has been opening for almost 2 weeks... and it will continue to elongate... from Fred Clarke SVO - 2020 paph symposium in LA)


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