Paph. Gregory Booth

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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This one is tooweird and unusual to my eyes!!! But it is fantastic at the same time!!!!
Hi Dot ,These are lovely blooms are they easy to grow or do they get special treament

Hi Ray. I haven't found it hard to grow, but this is the first time it's bloomed for me and I've had it for several years. But maybe my conditions are better now since I have a "basement greenhouse." I pretty much treat it like my other paphs (that aren't the big multi-florals).

Roy, thanks for the reminder -- I didn't remember what the relationship of ang-thong was, but I thought it was a synonym for something. Now I understand. I don't know the history of the plant before the previous owner, but I rescued it and it seems to have responded pretty well to my conditions.

Eric, I've had it for about 3 years and it has many growths, but only one of them is blooming so far. I've never posted my collection. Too many, I think! But don't you remember that I sent you a list of my Phrags last Summer?
Yes I remember and I was thinking that while you have less plants listed than I do you seem to bloom them faster. Maybe you acquired some of the crosses earlier than I did. Maybe it's something in the water!? My Gregory Booths all have 4-5 growths so maybe I need to wait awhile. :p
Eric, I've had it for about 3 years and it has many growths, but only one of them is blooming so far. I've never posted my collection. Too many, I think! But don't you remember that I sent you a list of my Phrags last Summer?
Here's a flower from the second plant I have -- tag says stonei x Greyi. Opened a couple days ago.
