Paph Ho Chi Minh 2009

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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In great shape. 3 new growths and 2 flowers.

2 weeks ago:


A few days ago:


And my Slipperwall:

Very nice pics!!! Nice Ho too!!! But your slipperwall is the best of all...!!! Wish I had so nice plants and growing
Thanks a bunch for sharing!
What is the white bloom right of center in the last photo?
I like that slipperwall too! Really nice HCM as well. Looks like you might be getting a longer lived flower then most of us
Thank you all.

The white in the middle is Armeni White x emersonii.

Eric space - I am only using 50% of the space I have available.
For cold growing I use nearly 100 % of the space I have - for intermediate about 70% and for warm growing about 20% of the space;)
:clap::clap:Well done!

Great plant and wonderful growing! Mine won't expand beyond 1 growth even though it flowers yearly and is vigorous. Any suggestions to get it to put on more growths this year?

:rollhappy: and I can get the new growths but no blooms!
Nice Ho and a great wall but somebody wrote on it:poke: (p.s. what text are you using I really like it)