Very nice, how big is the over all plant? What size pot?
The pot is 20cm across. One of the growths in flower is 50 cm (20 inches) across. The growths are currently quite small. When I get it back to full strength they will be much bigger and hence I would expect at least 5 flowers on a spike.
That's a big pot. Do you use a very coarse mix?
Beautiful, David. One of my favorites, but the colors on this one seem a little too intense, also.
Another hot multi David. With five flowers I would be lost for words! I notice your plant is very "roth like", stiff and long leaves. One of the plants I currently have (unbloomed) is very "lowii Like", wide,floppy and large leaves. I wonder how this will effect the flower appearance if it really is a Julius.
I came stendhal syndrome.
how many lustres do you waiting before you can see this awesome beauty ? sorry if I ask often about the age of the plant ,but I am not so young. I would be forever young so I would have plenty of time to wait.
Still trying to come to terms with my new camera. It is strange as I just shoot in RAW and then do nothing with the colours and I never use the saturation slider etc. Maybe I need to start reducing the colour. Having said that, this is the most intensely coloured Julius I have seen in person. It has much stronger colour than my recently awarded Houghtoniae. I think this Julius is very close to award quality although it does have some symmetry issues that would go against it.