Paph. Magic Lantern 'Opalescent' JC-AOS

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That is REALLY beautiful! If you self it again, that's a good time to increase the potassium in your fertilizer for this plant. Contrary to popular belief, there are some times when higher levels of K are good, like when a plant is budding and making capsules. I'm a convert to low K; I've seen a lot of improvements in my plants since I stopped using 7-11-27 all the time. But, I've noticed that some of my easy blooming plants don't bloom now and some seed capsules abort after a few weeks. I've started introducing some high K fert on occassion for certain plants, depending on what they're doing. I understand that K is needed for flowering and fruiting, which is why it is good for crops like tomatoes and cucumbers, etc. We want those plants to bloom like crazy and produce a bumper crop in a short time. A few shots of Hydroponic fertilizer while the plant is carrying a capsule might do the trick for you. Good luck!

It is a funny thing you say this John. I bought the k-lite about eight months ago or close to it. I bought it not for the low k ideabut because I like to use cal nitrate and mag sulfate and when I do the plants don't get the micros, hence I thought it would be good. Then with all the "good" results I started using it alot to see for myself. Alot of plants that are reliable bloomers for years either haven't spike or what is more alarming, spiked but keep blasting every new bud that comes out. The last few weeks I went back to some other fertilizers and the newest buds are forming and have not blasted yet. Interesting information, thanks John.
Interesting about the low-K fertilizer. I haven't tried any yet, because my usual 1/4 tsp/gal of Peter's 30-10-10 (70 ppm N) in 25% Lake Michigan water + 70% R/O works as well as anything else I've tried, including MSU for R/O + MgS04 + Ca(No3)2. However, I may switch to a more balanced 20-20-20 for the winter months, especially if it results in improvement in seed capsule development due to the higher K value....
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I think a lot depends on what kind of medium you are using, how old it is and how well you regularly flush your pots. A lot of my plants are in CHC, which is supposed to hold onto K really well. However, I do use R.O. water and I am a heavy waterer; flushing the pots really well fairly regularly. Overall, I liked what I saw as I cut way back on the K; but, over time since then, I've noticed that some plants which are growing well, don't bloom well or they lose buds and especially, lately, I've noticed that capsules will set, only to abort after about a month or so. It's not across the board; but, it is a new observation. With a particular plant like this great Paph of yours, getting viable seeds may be as easy as supplementing with a little extra K while it is "pregnant".
They were labelled Paph. Magic Lantern (delenatii v album x micranthum v album),

Eric - I'm not sure whether Fred at SVO had any of these, but I'm pretty sure Sam Tsui was selling flasks made with the album forms a while back.
Actually, I saw a plant labeled the same at Woodstream years ago but was really into Phrags so I didn't get it. Then when I looked I saw a photo of an album Magic Lantern on teh SVO site. Sam had a flask as late as a few months ago but now I don't see it listed on their site. I am loving it though so hopefully we will see more.
This blooming occured subsequent to the award (not sure of the venue, but it may have been Livonia). IMHO it's a better photo because there isn't as stark a contrast with the back-ground. Unfortunately, the Paph. Jennifer Kalina in the background isn't visible except for the label.

Thanks for the nice complement on my picture, Tom. This is a picture of the flower that was awarded in 2009, taken at the IOS spring show. It does show off a very nice blossom.
Thanks, lil'frog - I knew it was taken at one of the 09' spring shows. I really like the photo because it shows the texture and substance of the flower better than the awards photo.

Lance - There are very light pink veins that appear more prominent when the plant is bloomed in a cooler environment, and this was mentioned in the awards description. There was another albinistic clone awarded an HCC/AOS in 2006 in Encinitas named 'Almost Albino'. It was shown by Paphanatics and the description mentions a light pink tessellation in the petals and a faint pink blush to the pouch. Not sure why the judges felt the 'Opalescent' clone warranted a JC since there was a pre-existing quality award to the same color form. Of 83 awards to this grex, only two had the near-albino coloration.
Finally in full bloom and showing the effect of a cooler than normal autumn, with the petal veins are as dark as I've ever seen them. There is a problem, though: Both flowers are blooming from single growths with no evidence of new growths starting. I'd been planning on selfing at least one of the flowers, but I'm really hesitant now as I don't want to risk losing the plant. Guess I'll harvest the pollen and store it for future use, repot into fresh mix and keep my fingers crossed that new growth will develop as we approach spring.
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