Paph. Mint Chocolate

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
godefroyae v. leucochilum ‘Chosen’ x malipoense ‘Jack’ -- Yummm!

Yum is right. I'm surprised the dark red staminode from malipoense didn't carry through. It's usually dominant.
A really nice blend of the two parents, especially since godefroyae is hardly one of my favourites. I totally agree with Nikv's comment about the appropriateness of the name!
Remember everybody we are really talking about Paph. Jacki.

Why do you say that? Paph. Mint Chocolate was registered as malipoense x godefroyae. Was the malipoense in the original cross really a jackii? According to RHS, jackii x godefroyae has not been registered.
or maybe Bob said that because the dark staminode of malipoense didn't pass on to the offspring so the parents used is actually a jackii (which has light color staminode) and not a malipoense?
The clonal name is 'Jack' which often times vendors use code names so as to not get stuck dealing with CITES issues. I've seen clonal names of 'Mr. Hang' or emersonii var. H etc. etc. for hangianum.
It's beautiful, Dot! The pink staminode really stood out for me too, great contrast. Also love the pure leucochilum pouch.