'A Plate of Pleurothallids' ... sounds like a great new collective noun! They have herd of cattle, tower of giraffes, array of hedgehogs, etc. (see: http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/collnoun.htm for more really good ones!) Any suggestions for Paphs?:rollhappy:
But I can just imagine a 'brace of Brassia' or a 'gang of Gongora'.... I know, I'm odd. :rollhappy:
I love it - I'll be odd with you!
When I walk into a GH & see a bunch of bobbing blooms above the foliage, I have to go with the common - a cloud of paphs.
The imaginative side of me is slow this morning, seeing they're slippers .... something with footwear? Fuzzy & warm doesn't cut it! (ex. a hug of teddy bears, a flush of plumbers, a galaxy of cosmologists.)