Paph rothschildianum ([Mont Milais x self] x Sabah

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Very nice. I like a lot the flower presentation with "large" space beetween flower.
Keep it preciously. I like selection roth. but I'm afraid we lost the old clone.
I particularly love this one, and I'm not quite sure why! Absolutely stunning.

Thank you for the nice comments! Now, for a question: Is this plant worth breeding with to create more roths, or has current breeding already passed this plant by in terms of size and quickness of blooming?
The standard to beat is minimum 30cm NS and 7 cm dorsal. And od course rich color. But of course it is more than just measurements. This one has a lot of desirable qualities though so depending on what you are looking to achieve then paired with the right clone it could be good.