Well-Known Member
What a great outcome and future ahead for this plant!
I love the color also.
I just followed that link to the vigorous clone.
Yes, the dorsal is too weak, but this one has a nice chunky shape.
Oh, well...can't be perfect, right?
I would be happy to see this kind of outcome after waiting for 8years!!!
Did it put out one leaf per year or something? lol
Oh, wow~ You have one that's 13 years old and that is still not of flowering size! I applaud your patience. I would have given up long ago. lol
Then, again, it's your first orchid, so that makes it special.
I wish you a great outcome on that plant for such a long wait.
How long have you had your Greenhouse? last five years?
I really can't imagine keeping something that does not grow for 8 years!
I just threw away Ho Chi Minh that was not doing anything for one year. lol
I now have two that are very vigorous.
Another recent toss was rather a big disappointment since it is something rare, at least compared to HCM.
It's In Charm Handel x hangianum. It did not do anything but it also looked like it was not so well. I lost my patience and checked the roots. Well, there were not any.I had no choice but to discard.
Now I cannot replace that one. Oh, well...
I do have a bunch of roth x parvi/brachy hybrids and I intend to keep them around for as long as possible though. Some look like they are spiking, but will see. It will be a real test of my patience.
Ok, I'm done rambling now.