Damn Justin, that is a nice one. I should have kept it!I do have my keepers though, so the rest are eventually up for sale.
Take measurements. Save pollen. After seeing TCW's sanderianum with wide dorsals, I think the next sib or outcross should be for dorsal and petal width. Your plant is strong enough to support seed pods. If you make a hybrid may I suggest, the pollen parent with both lowii or stonei blood? Something to bring both color and flat wide dorsal into the mix. Yang-ji Apple is one, (stonei x lowii) is another. If you can find pollen, I don't have pollen from either. I would definitely consider asking Dot for pollen from her Stoned Bernice, or David for pollen from his Julius. Or PM me, I might have another contact who might have pollen from suitable plants.
I really, really like it.
That sanderianum x Julius was beautiful emydura! It looked pretty red, is it really that red? And how is it for speed of growth and blooming. I may have to try making this cross with my sanderianum...
I would kill for a sanderianum x Julius.
But if you want to take a punt let me know Justin.
Damn Justin, that is a nice one. I should have kept it!I do have my keepers though, so the rest are eventually up for sale.
Take measurements. Save pollen. After seeing TCW's sanderianum with wide dorsals, I think the next sib or outcross should be for dorsal and petal width. Your plant is strong enough to support seed pods. If you make a hybrid may I suggest, the pollen parent with both lowii or stonei blood? Something to bring both color and flat wide dorsal into the mix. Yang-ji Apple is one, (stonei x lowii) is another. If you can find pollen, I don't have pollen from either. I would definitely consider asking Dot for pollen from her Stoned Bernice, or David for pollen from his Julius. Or PM me, I might have another contact who might have pollen from suitable plants.
I really, really like it.
Leo, any more left from this line?
I'm not much of a sanderianum person (except in hybrids, love those petals), but DANG what a beauty!
I don't know if it's the flash reflecting in the petals, but they almost appear to be made out of silk... Love them AND the wonderful pattern on the dorsal.
Really? I didn't know that (although what I don't know about Paphs easily outweighs my knowledge of themSome say that that is how they attract their pollinators. When their leaves are glistening like that.
I've heard that the long petal shimmer like eggshells said but the long petals aren't so insects can crawl up. They grow on a cliffside and the petals just dangle down and shimmer and attract flying pollinators and birds.