Paph St Swithin

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
First time I have flowered this plant. I got this as a large plant from Brad in 2015. The breeding is from Shen-Lu Orchids (Iweyshan). The pendulous petals have grown on me. I quite like it. It is a very vigorous grower. The new growths have much wider leaves so hopefully more flowers next time.

Paph St Swithin (phillipinense 'TN-7' x rothschildianum 'TN-Lion')


I flowered the SAME cross this year. Mine has Ivan's label in it. Yours its better. it, too is a large, vigorous plant.


There are obvious similarities.

Mine also has Ivan's label in it. This is the 2nd time this plant has flowered although the first time it has flowered successfully. Brad said the flowers aborted on the first flowering.
Thanks for posting the photos Stephen. No need to apologise. Always worth posting a roth in my view no matter what. I have one seedling with 'Purple Dream' as a parent, so I find it of interest. Did these plants go through quarantine? If so, this may explain the flowers small size.
Wow a stunner if there wasn't a lable to the plant I'd have said it was a Vera pulchellum.
Just everything about the flowering stunning, the colour the petals the dorsal just wow. The plant looks amazing and more than vigorous, ashore its not on steroids lol.
If there was a chance of buying woken I'd be there in a flash.
Congrats lovley bloom and plant
That is an excellent clone David. Fingers crossed for a stronger blooming on the next go-around.
Nice roths as well Stephen.

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