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:clap: I'll take a couple of those!!! :drool: Do they normally have that flush of pink in the dorsal?
This looks like something I got many years ago labeled as Paph. charlesworthii v. kanchanaburi. I was pretty sure it wasn't Paph. charlesworthii but didn't know until now what it was. It looked a lot more like Paph. barbigerum only quite a bit larger. The flowers featured in the original post have a bit more color than the ones I had.
vejvarutianum is very similar to rhizomatosum....basically, its part of the barbigerum "complex" frequently turns up labeled barbigerum, but it is much larger than the dwarf forms....its very similar to the "large" barbigerums...this is an exceptionally nice clone. Take care, Eric
Excellent coloration. One of mine blasted and the other is in low bud now. If you're in the US, we should trade divisions sometime. Or at least pollen. :>
Those are all wonderful. I feel it will be validated as a species in due time as well.
What's your culture tips and blooming tips?
Very interesting flower. Where can I get one?

The dorsal markings of one of the plants is very similar to the markings in the mystery Paph I showed some weeks back. That was ascribed to villosum influence in the hybrid. any idea if this plant has been used in hybridizing under the assumption it was something else, or if it (or some of the plants) could be a natural hybrids?
This is a new one for me, and so I looked it up. Apparently this is what used to be called Paph. charlesworthii v. kanchanaburi (I can't see a relation to charlesworthii). Olaf Gruss and Lutz Rollke described it in 2003. Maybe Olaf can give some more info. It is said to be related to gratrixianum, which I can see.