Grand Chupacabra
Paph. Wössner Wolke (emersonii X hangianum)
It took some trial and error to finally get the real deal. Unfortunately, there are numerous unknowledgeable or unscrupulous vendors out there passing off mislabeled plants as Paph. Wössner Wolke. If you are looking for this hybrid, be careful, do your research on the vendor and his/her reputation ... and that's all I'm going to say about that. I will note that this recently came from Popow, so I cannot take credit for the bloom. It started spiking up within a few weeks of its arrival, and while I fully expected it to blast due to the sensitivate nature of emersonii that often carries through to its hybrids, this didn't skip a beat. It's even growing roots like a champ.
The flower is about 5 in (13 cm) across. The shape is a little wonky, but that's par for the course with many parvies and it's fairly common for first bloomed seedlings to be a little off (usually improves with later blooms). That being said, I think it's a stunning flower and it's everything I was hoping for and then some! It's got the emersonii speckles at the base of the petals and slightly yellow/orange tinted pouch. Nice spotting inside the lip. It's got soft tesselation on the petals that reaches out to the very tips. The staminode is nice, bright, and eye catching. Lots of conspicous hairs. I suppose I wish it were slightly more fragrant. The scent is variable throughout the day, but it mostly smells like a new vinyl shower curtain or soft vinyl kiddie pool, but in the morning there's some floral notes added in. I suppose it's trying to be pollinated by children or drain flies.
It took some trial and error to finally get the real deal. Unfortunately, there are numerous unknowledgeable or unscrupulous vendors out there passing off mislabeled plants as Paph. Wössner Wolke. If you are looking for this hybrid, be careful, do your research on the vendor and his/her reputation ... and that's all I'm going to say about that. I will note that this recently came from Popow, so I cannot take credit for the bloom. It started spiking up within a few weeks of its arrival, and while I fully expected it to blast due to the sensitivate nature of emersonii that often carries through to its hybrids, this didn't skip a beat. It's even growing roots like a champ.
The flower is about 5 in (13 cm) across. The shape is a little wonky, but that's par for the course with many parvies and it's fairly common for first bloomed seedlings to be a little off (usually improves with later blooms). That being said, I think it's a stunning flower and it's everything I was hoping for and then some! It's got the emersonii speckles at the base of the petals and slightly yellow/orange tinted pouch. Nice spotting inside the lip. It's got soft tesselation on the petals that reaches out to the very tips. The staminode is nice, bright, and eye catching. Lots of conspicous hairs. I suppose I wish it were slightly more fragrant. The scent is variable throughout the day, but it mostly smells like a new vinyl shower curtain or soft vinyl kiddie pool, but in the morning there's some floral notes added in. I suppose it's trying to be pollinated by children or drain flies.
