Paphies starting to spike...

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Updated pictures...

ok, it seems things keep growing here :)

1 - 3 Paph helenae
4 Paph fairrieanum
5 Paph herrmannii
6 Pap Little Alexander (helenae x gratrixianum)
7 Paph Wössner Goldsuk (sukhakulii x helenae)

and now a question toall of you... if you carefully see the Picture of Paph Little Alexander, you can see that newest leave are quite pale... I have two different plants of this cross, but this is the only one with this "problem"... Does anybody knows what could be the reason and how to solve it?
Note: Both plants are receiving exactly the same treatment and growing next to each other...
i am so jealous!
you'd better post photos...
i can't wait until those plants are legally available here....
Being a big fan of the little flowers, I can't wait to see the blooms!

As for your color difference in the Little Alexanders, I experienced the same thing with plants from the same cross grown side by side. If the root development is good on both plants, I speculate that it might be a slight genetic variation where one plant for example, prefers slightly less light.
updating Paph fairrieanum :)

this is the first of this group which has bloomed... it is a first time bloomer...

I really like the color and the pattern, but hope that next time the position of the flower is improved.... maybe training the spike?

ah... and apparently paph helenae var delicatum is also spiking now (but am not 100% sure of this one)
hhhhhhmmm.... I think I already have a clonal name for this Paph helenae "Big Jaw Hélène" :(

well, it is doing it only with one flower, the other looks "normal"...

on the other hand, the pouch seems to be quite dark, but I hope it will changeteh colour when the flower is fully developed..
hhhhmmm.... my first two Paph helenae have opened (ok, not yet fully, but open)... Aren't these guys supposed to be yellow? :( Both plants come from the same nursery and are first time bloomer (I assume they are even from the same flask)...

Paph helenae "Big Jaw Hélène" (see previous entry) is Paph. helenae # 1:

Paph helenae # 2

both plants for comparison

well... I keep hoping that either they become yellow in few days, or that at leats the third plant (from a different vendor) is more yellow... and that I do not get any surprise with the var. delicatum I bought from Franz Glanz :)

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