I don't know were the plant come it was a gift. It probably come from the paradis des orchidées here in québec (www.leparadisdesorchidees.com/) who sell plants in flower supplier!!! I made some research at leparadisdesorchidees and i found, this paphio it suppos to be green (http://www.leparadisdesorchidees.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=produits.detail&id=225)!!! **** a other mixing tag, you know what is the problem with my orchids no one have to right tag!!! Here in canada we have stat about the capacity of the population to be able te read and it 1/2 was not able!!!! And i found a other orchids with the same name you can see http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgu...:official&sa=N&um=1&ei=8genSqSpG4fbnAf97IW5CA