Ahhhh but you see there are naturally flatter and rounder occurring godefroyaes.
The human need for bigger, rounder and better form is inherent in our genes for purposes of reproduction (and survival). This want of such traits is extended to all aspects of our lives subconsciously. And in judging, it’s just expressed openly since the start of judging a century ago.
If you don’t believe me, take this exercise:
You’re at a show, and you see two godefroyaes for sale for same price. Both same markings and color, but one is rounder and seemingly flatter. Which one would you take?
Another easier exercise:
If there are two apples, one bigger and redder, other smaller and dull…. which would you choose?
If one is truthful to oneself and not think about the topic at hand, one will unconsciously choose the rounder, bigger and more colorful option.
Caveat: There’s absolutely no problem appreciating and admiring the natural look of flowers that don’t fall within the parameters of man-made judging rules of flower beauty.
For example, I for one love ALL shapes and colors of the Cattleya eldorado/wallisii group, no matter how ugly it is to anyone.