The flowering of this large seedling began in June. By January there were four buds starting to plump up on an inflorescence about 2.5 feet tall. We then had close to 10 days of rainy, overcast weather and the humidity in the greenhouse was close to 100% night and day. As a result, the first three buds (from the bottom up) rotted. The last, topmost one opened last month. It is a bit over 7 inches across and I love the color. Parentage is (rothschildianum 'Bloomington' x malipoense 'Sam's Choice' FCC/AOS).
There are several new growths developing so in a year or two I hope to see this one in its full glory. I wonder just how large the other flowers would have been.

There are several new growths developing so in a year or two I hope to see this one in its full glory. I wonder just how large the other flowers would have been.