Paphiopedilum Hiro Fusion

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Well... the Paphiopedilum Hiro Fusion (godefroyae ‘Banana Splahs’ x Bella Lucia ‘Liberty Bell’) I have got from Jerry opened one week ago...

somehow I am a bit disappointed as it is not what I was expecting Even though I like the color of this one, the general shape and the dorsal petal are kind of annoying me...

What do you (slipper experts ;)) think about this flower?
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You're right to have a concern about the shape. But if you like the color enough then re-bloom it and see if the shape improves. If not, then pass it on.
The gamble of buying hybrids not in flower :wink:

It is a very flat flower, in fact, and the spotting ain't so bad either. How does it compare sizewise?
Unfortunately with these kind of crosses (complex brachy crosses) there is a lot of variation from flower to flower, more so than in a straight primary cross. In general this cross had more "rounded" flowers like the picture on the website, it looks like you got one of the "odd balls" that did not have that trait, but don't give up hope; sometimes the flower shape varies from year to year, so it may be better next time it blooms.

I think it is a pretty nice color on it at least, hope it is better shaped next time though!
Great petals, crummy dorsal! However, it's best to NEVER make your final determination on a first bloom. The next flower could be (and often is..), so much better. Personally, I'd be disappointed that the colour of this clone is more yellow than in the OL photo. However, as has been said already, it is a gamble when you buy unbloomed seed grown plants. Sometimes the results are thrilling; sometimes, not so much. It's part of the fun of collecting. That's why, if it's at all possible, it's much better to buy seedlings and young plants in groups, rather than one at a time. However, obviously, not everyone has the money or the space to do that. If it were mine, I'd bloom it one more time and if it didn't improve, I'd sell it and use the money to try again. This is why it takes such a long time to put together a collection of quality plants.....and why it is such a tragedy when disaster stikes and plants are lost.
well, I know there is always a risk when purchasing seed grown plants (especially hybrids, and even more complex hybrid). Therefore, I am not blaming on anyone (but the plant itself :D) for the bad shape...

As John said, I was also expecting a white flower (ok, I know, in the website is written the color i syellow, but with the pic I thought maybe it would fade to white after a few days), however I can live with the yellow flower (I really like the color on this one, even though I prefer white Brachies).

The plant will of course stay with me for a while, and I will wait for second and/or 3rd bloom... if it does not improve, and I do not get a "special connection" with this plant, it will of course end up somewhere else...
oh... almost forgotten, the flower is 7 x 6.5 cm (2.75 x 2.55 inches)

Well at least the flower is pretty big.

Just to show you the variation in this cross, here are 3 other seedlings:

My favorite thus far: Hiro Fusion 'Butter Cup':

One that had the largest flowers: Hiro Fusion 'Wide Wings':

and the one from the web:

wow... give me the shape of the first one, with the spotting of the third one :D

are they all so white as in the pics? my plant is pretty yellow... and it also has no green on the staminode...

another question, does any of them is fragrant? I can detect some fragrance in my plant, but quite soft.. (so that I even think I am imagining it to raise plus point on the plant)... kinda sweet, and it was there this morning and also now late afternoon, and there is no other fragrant orchid around..
The first two are very light yellow (a creamy yellow). Both parents were very light yellow as well. Yours is definitely one of the darkest yellow I have seen. Not all of the seedlings had the green on the staminode. And yes, they can be lightly fragrant.

Here are 2 pictures of both parents:

Paph. Bella Lucia 'Liberty Bell':

Paph. godefroyae 'Banana Splash':

wow... interesting the wide range of variation... and glad to know it is not my imagination regarding the fragrance :D
I love the pattern and shape of your pah Ramon!!! You could send it to me if you didn't mind...:p:D:D