Paphiopedilum Iantha Stage

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2008
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A plant I bought some years ago as Kimballianum. It's a nice bloom but I'm disappointed because I would like a lot Kimballianum. I like this difficult to find natural hybrid.
Try again Fabrice... :poke:

Roth x suhkakulii?
Yes troy it is, and it's very imposing. I wish i had this kind of mistake Fabrice. :D Nice selection of parents. Beauty wide petals. Well done. I saw in last year a plant. It was an AM/AOS awarded grex. I have picture about it. Later i will post it.
Congrats for growing.
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Thank you for picture SlipperMatt.

But to be honest, I don't see it in reality but on this picture, I don't understand why AM/AOS...?
Petals form is not good, color is normal. Maybe is it a big flower? Don't know...
As my best rememberance this plant has travelled from Taiwan to USA, than to Hungary! This state due to shipping i think. However It had huge flowers.

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