Thanks for the nice comments everyone...
David, this is actually a plant I got from Florafest when they still had Paphs in their catalogue... it's Paph lowii 'Select' x self.
Crikey, a Paph from Florafest that matched its label. Bonus.
Imho no, I can't see any other influence neither of P. haynaldianum nor of any other species in this P. lowii flower.UPDATE: I took this plant to Species Orchid Society of NSW meeting last night and a couple of the judges had some doubts as to it's label... .. can anyone see any Paph haynaldianum influence on this?
UPDATE: I took this plant to Species Orchid Society of NSW meeting last night and a couple of the judges had some doubts as to it's label...
can anyone see any Paph haynaldianum influence on this?
UPDATE: I took this plant to Species Orchid Society of NSW meeting last night and a couple of the judges had some doubts as to it's label...
can anyone see any Paph haynaldianum influence on this?
Thanks Rudolf, David, Roy, Rick... I was a little stunned at proposition that this was anything but lowii in it when i was told... esp when the reasons given as to it having haynaldianum was the 'size of the flower', ie not being big enough compared to the American FCC's; and the arrangement of the spots on the petals seemed like there was a haynaldianum influence.
My biggest question is really, where did all the haynaldianum spots on the dorsal go, if this had that species in it?