This species growing at the elevation from 500-1000m, they need special temperature to have flower (temperature at night and day)What a sight!
Thanks for sharing.
What's the elevation of the area? Also, is the temperature significantly lower than the city? I understand it is still quite cool to mild even during the day in Hanoi area.
Would love to visit Vietnam one day!
In the south of Vietnam, just only 4 species grow in the sound and in the north we have around 20 species.Thanks for your beautiful pictures!!!
Back in november 2019 I was in south Vietnam 'cos I didn't find any good flight to Hanoi. Didn't see unfortunately any paph down there. I guess the northern part Is much more interesting not only for orchids.
I know that Paph delenatii grows in the area around Dalat just a bit nort-east of Ho Chi Minh, I visited the Mekong delta area that Is very flat hot and steamy.In the south of Vietnam, just only 4 species grow in the sound and in the north we have around 20 species.
Indeed from the pics It seems they prefer to stay next to the tree, maybe Is there any relantionship with the roots of the trees and their michorrizae?Excellent, ty for sharing!
‘Who says paphs don’t grow on trees?’ or at least the trunk