So I saw this flower and..... Well there is a seller on ebay from thailand. Is this OK to buy or what would happen if I did buy it. Not sure how to find information on this. Does anyone have this plant?
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Ya I stumbled on it and was like it must be fake because I have never heard or seen it. I tried to do more research and found out it was discovered within the last decade. I sent an email to the seller and they acted like there was no problem sending it to the USA. However what really caught me was when I also messaged about paphiopedilum rungsuriyanum. Acted also like no big deal to ship to the USA. As I do know that this one is definitely a no no I knew that it was not the best idea. I also talked to a paph expert and they said it is illegal too. Dang I geuss ill have to wait, but it is the honest good option.I agree, illegal. Was recently discovered in either 2017 or 2018. You just have to give it time.
Probably not okay to buy yet. And if you try, you might be asking for trouble.
If you did buy one or try to buy one, you are leaving an internet trail.
Ya that's the one I saw too. Is it allowed in CanadaThere is one on e-bay right now with an opening bid of $199.
There is a $300 ‘buy it now option’.
Where the pictureSo I saw this flower and..... Well there is a seller on ebay from thailand. Is this OK to buy or what would happen if I did buy it. Not sure how to find information on this. Does anyone have this plant?
Ya that's the one I saw too. Is it allowed in Canada? Like I'm so confused if the seller or buyer gets in trouble. Does ebay defend the buyers? Like honest a person going through ebay sees a pretty plants and buys it. They usually don't think "is this plant illegal" . Usually it says boldly does not go to certain states like Hawaii etc