Paphiopedilum PEOY 'Jules' AM/AOC

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
This was the orchid that got me hooked into multi-floral Paphs. Twenty-three years ago, I had just joined our local orchid society. I went to our Spring Show and this plant won grand champion. I had never heard of multifloral Paphs before, let alone seen one in the flesh. I thought it was the most astonishing flower I had ever seen. I could not keep my eyes off it. I bought my Susan Booth 'Paracombe' a few days later and my addiction was well under way.

Sadly, the owner of this plant died six or seven years back. He was the big Paph grower in our society and a bit of a mentor to me. Two years ago his son very kindly gave me a division of his fathers PEOY. This is the first time I have flowered it. It is nice to have come full circle and now own and flower the actual plant that got me hooked into multi-florals. It is a stunning orchid.

This must have been one of the original PEOY's. The cross is rothschildianum 'Rex' x sanderianum 'Jacobs Ladder'.


I see why you love it so much, it is a beauty!!! 🥰
Wonderful story with fine memories I am sure. I bet we have all had mentors along the way when it comes to orchids. Thank you for sharing both.
What a beautiful plant! Thanks for sharing your story about it. I think it’s wonderful that you ended up with the very plant that inspired you so much-and I certainly see why it was such an inspiration!
What a beauty, when was it awarded at the AOC?

It was awarded in 2008. Unfortunately, they got the clonal name wrong on the website -
They have put 'Queenscliff' instead of 'Jules'. There was a 'Queenscliff' PEOY clone awarded 2 years previously but that is a different plant. I have informed them of this but have not had a response. If you ever have any plants awarded through the AOC, you really need to check they have typed in the information correctly. My experience is, they get it wrong more times than not.
Thanks mate, that makes sense as I couldn't find it. It takes a while to update mistakes it seems.
Not sure if other orchid societies do it, but at our Spring show there is a popular vote category. Anyone who comes to the orchid show, whether that be a member of the public or orchid society members, votes for their favourite orchid of the show. In all the 20 years I have been going to our show, I can't recall a single case where the winner of the popular vote was one of the class champions awarded by the judges. Same again this year as this PEOY won the popular vote. The people's champion. :)
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