Hi there, generous experts! Late last year I bought this P. philippinense. It’s another Orchid Zone refugee, a survivor of thrips and neglect. When it arrived, it had the previously flowered growth and a promising-looking new half-grown fan coming. It had been treated for thrips and given some rehabilitation...but it seemed to decline for me. By early February, the new growth had succumbed to some basal whitish rot and fallen off. The previously bloomed growth originally had 3 big leaves but the other two promptly turned dark brown and disappeared. I repotted it, the few roots looked horrible; knotty, black, brittle, just not live-looking. I trimmed off what I was sure was dead, which was most of the roots, and repotted the growth and it’s one leaf in regular Hausermann’s Paph mix...and this lone leaf continues to protest, unchanged, and even turgid. But I see no signs of any new growth. I just wonder what you all think is happening? How long can this single leaf persist? Do you think the plant is growing under there? The other leaves of both growths are so long gone, and quickly did they go bad when they went. I’m holding out hope for this one but I just don’t know what’s possible or how long such a plant might take to come back from the brink. Input appreciated! Thank you.