I had to really stare at this for a minute or 2, but I like it. I really do. It has potential.
My biggest issue is the length of the inflorescence.
The overall form needs a little work. The dorsal leans a little right and the right hand petal could be a little flatter at the apex matching the left petal.
The dorsal has a noticeable curved, pale line of uneven color left of center and if that was even, it would be better.
On the pouch, just below the rim left side, there is another light streak there. Take that away and the pouch is pretty darn nice! But these are minor issues really but a couple of points here or there could make a difference,
In looking at both parents, if they both bloom on long inflorescences, that could lessen my deduction.
If the overall size of the flower is where it should be between both parents, it could be awardable. The petals are broad and yhe overall color I find to be quite nice.
I definitely would keep it Dj!!!