Paphiopedilum rothschildianum x sib (‘New Gigantic’ x ‘X Hot’ SMM/JOGA )

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Don't attack just yet as they are still opening and geting there true shape. The left is orchid inn the right is orchid zone. The orchid inn is by far the best roth i have bloomed from them. I honestly think this one was mislabeled or something because the plant structure and size is just not like the others. Updates will come!!!!! I also found 2 other roths in bloom from orchid inn but those are on small plants and thr spike does not seem as good. The one thing i do say about orchid inn is that they do bloom on relatively small plants: this one is an exception.
Don't attack just yet as they are still opening and geting there true shape. The left is orchid inn the right is orchid zone. The orchid inn is by far the best roth i have bloomed from them. I honestly think this one was mislabeled or something because the plant structure and size is just not like the others. Updates will come!!!!! I also found 2 other roths in bloom from orchid inn but those are on small plants and thr spike does not seem as good. The one thing i do say about orchid inn is that they do bloom on relatively small plants: this one is an exception.
View attachment 52943
lol no need to attack those are awesome! OI one is super
The last two posts with pictures are of the orchid inn one. I am quite pleased with this one but honestly think it is the best quality i will see from any of my orchid inn rothschildianum. This one may have been the genetic lottery out of the lot of them. I say this in not being true to parents but rather just maxing out genetic potential of the typical rothschildianum look that has been blooming with OI rothschildianum. Don't get me wrong I love it.

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