Regarding the plant growth, I'm pretty sure it's the plant and not you.
No matter how good the care, plants will clump up at a varying degree at a varying speed, if at all. That's just how it is.
Some stays single or just a couple growths as old growths do not stay alive very long, then there's this useless clump that are made up of old fans.
The ideal would be to have a plant whose older Fahd stay alive for a few years while shooting up new fans in a few directions.
That's where buying a few ( or as many as space allows) of the same variety becomes important to imcrease your chance of getting that "one"!
That's the best color I've seen on villosum in quite some
time. What works for me on Paphs. that are reluctant to
clump is cut the old growth completely away. At least for
me, it seems to encourage the plant to put out multiple
new growths.