I received five hybrid multi-floral paphs from Hawaii. When they arrived here in Florida there was some bacterial infection which I sprayed immediately and cut the infected leaves as well as isolated. However, when looking at all the roots they were extremely root bound in old media that had broken down with roots so hard they had to be soaked for hours to handle unlike what I have read about keeping them in moist media. They had been shipped so they were very dry which I expected, but when I asked about their method of care I was told they had been kept outside and that was their way of caring for them. The orchids seemed to be thriving. Is this a different way of growing paphs that I am not aware of? It seems to go against "keeping the soil moist all the time." The roots were literally hard as rocks and had grown stuck together and yet the plants looked fine from the top. I have many paphs here that were shipped so this is something new I am dealing with. I soaked and repotted into my small bark mix I use for growing my paphs and after two weeks they seem to be doing fine but I am still trying to figure out the culture they were grown in.