Pecteilis susannae

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
Here's a success and "failure story" all bound into one plant. I got this plant a couple winters ago as one large tuber. Last year it started growth quite late, around June, and by fall it had grown fairly large, but didn't flower. This year I put it in a slightly larger pot and forced it to start earlier, at the end of April. Well, it has grown very nicely since then and is now sporting four large flowers. Unfortunately, due to my less than perfect conditions, the buds got blemished by something - a bummer, but at least the plant is healthy.

Pretty tall, maybe 80 cm not including the pot. The flowers are large, about 7 cm north to south and 5 cm east to west.



Grown like other tropical Habenaria/Pecteilis of SE Asia, just a bit more light, but no direct sunshine. No special soil amendments either (dolomite, etc). It goes dormant sometime around Christmas or early January. I keep it moist until then.
too cool Tom!!! Great white blooms, good pics!!!

I have got one of them (thanks Thanasis:)) and grow it with my slippers and catts(?:eek:?), a tenth of the size of yours, and of course no sign of flower stem :)! Jean
Great job Tom!!!!!! I have two (you are welcome Jean:):)) that are 35 and 27 cm! and now flower spikes too! Does it need more sun to flower???! I gave it dampled evening sun (1-2 hours) in the summer with medium shade in the morning! Now there is no sun unfortunatelly...:(

Jean... do you give your slippers and catts the same conditions?
Great job Tom!!!!!! ...

Jean... do you give your slippers and catts the same conditions?

Thanasis, I just have 1 gh (+/- 3 x 8m); so I have to try to reconciliate the different species of diff. genera with their diff. growing needs within this space :)! but in fact you will find there several temp/humidity zones: near the heating devices, near the glass, near a fan, in the shade of one large plant,...away from all of this ...!!! Jean
Glad you all enjoyed it. I was really happy to have it grow so well and flower this season.

Are you used to working in metric!? :(

Yeah, afraid so. Last Friday was my 7th anniversary in Japan - I'm a changed man! The shift wasn't too hard though since I have a science background working in labs, etc.

80 cm ~31.4"
7 cm ~2.75"
5 cm - just under 2"
Thanasis, I just have 1 gh (+/- 3 x 8m); so I have to try to reconciliate the different species of diff. genera with their diff. growing needs within this space :)! but in fact you will find there several temp/humidity zones: near the heating devices, near the glass, near a fan, in the shade of one large plant,...away from all of this ...!!! Jean

Oh, ok I see...:):) Wish I had a gh and I would do that too...hehe:D

Tom, judging from the photo, I think that mine have stopped at the phase and height where the stick you've used to support the plant ends!
My vary favorite tropical terrestrial. I have one, flowered with 8 blooms on one very tall plant. I have found that these plants need an increadible amount of light to do really well. I grow mine in direct morning sun, with about 30% shade in the afternnon and evening. Mine produced 4 large tubers from the initial one I bought at the WOC in 2008.

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