Well-Known Member
One of my amabilis has been doing really nicely on a cork mount. Suddenly it has developed some kind of disease the starts at the beginning of the root (near the leaves) and collapses the root quickly progressing downwards toward the root tip. The tip remains green and healthy for a while then the whole thing is dead! (they are not soft and slimy but more hard and leathery) Some roots are still not affected. Most are. What the hell is going on?????????
I keep them warm, 20-27C and water whenever they are dry (which is every day)
I also have an Oncidium lanceanum with (I think) the same problem. Only on this one it starts as a purple discolouration just behind the tip for a few days before the root collapses.
I keep them warm, 20-27C and water whenever they are dry (which is every day)
I also have an Oncidium lanceanum with (I think) the same problem. Only on this one it starts as a purple discolouration just behind the tip for a few days before the root collapses.