Finally flowered a violacea! Again with the other species that I'm growing, it's probably only getting around 500 fc, and does not like like it when the light is higher than that. It also took over a year to acclimate to my home conditions.
Phalaenopsis violacea fma. semi-alba NO857 'Morning Star' x 'H.P.'
Group shot with the other species in flower (Phal. corningiana on top, and Phal. bellina fma. coerulea on the right). Awesome, but different scents on all!
Phalaenopsis violacea fma. semi-alba NO857 'Morning Star' x 'H.P.'

Group shot with the other species in flower (Phal. corningiana on top, and Phal. bellina fma. coerulea on the right). Awesome, but different scents on all!