Phrag. Acker's Magic

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jan 19, 2020
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I was scanning ebay and found this orchid for sale. It is offered by this Lady in Flordia, S.S.. She has it list as Phrag. Acker's Magic, (Acker' Classic x kovachii). I looked it up in the RHS database with no such crossed being recorded, I checked through several other Phrag. ID sources with no luck. I ask Chuck himself and he said he has never done that cross. Is this a haux?
I believe Susie gets chucks excess flasks to sell as seedlings, although I could be remembering the conversation incorrectly. Like Eric said, they'll be very small. I bought a few seedlings this spring from suzie at the same time I got some of chucks flasks and everything was about the same size.
Did you look at the photos of the plants for sale? She grows from flask and sells early. If you're ot good with small seedlings you will have difficulty.
I'm not sure which is a bigger problem; that she sells such tiny individual seedlings right out of flask (at least she makes it clear by showing photos of the seedlings) or her description (at least last time I saw which was at least over one year ago) saying they are 1-2 years away from blooming.
I'm not sure which is a bigger problem; that she sells such tiny individual seedlings right out of flask (at least she makes it clear by showing photos of the seedlings) or her description (at least last time I saw which was at least over one year ago) saying they are 1-2 years away from blooming.
TBF I have some seedlings from chuck that I deflasked in May that I expect to bloom next year. Some are 4 fans already. Buuuuuuttttt...that's not every cross
I buy from Chuck regularily.. You may go to the source, (although, some folks can't deal with that many of the same cross) but if you just want a couple, then just be careful on size,,,, I have quite regularily been able to pot out several of the larger seedlings from his flasks in individual pots... then depending on size, group the rest in a compot until they have grown up a bit..
Don't know the costs for these "smaller" seedlings, but i bet if you google for 2 growth seedlings of the same thing, you may be further ahead, especially if you want a plant that will flower sooner.
If you do get something from her, having had an interesting experience earlier this year, be ready to super baby what you get (maybe it will survive!) and just assume it has mealy bugs.
Though it was obvious for me that mine did, I didn't have to look hard. 😬
Both my seedlings got smashed in the mail due to weather complications and one definitely did not make it. The other has one solid root and despite my recent thrips issues (thank you Woodstream) does appear to be surviving!

These pest problems make me never want to order online again no matter how reputable seeming -or not- the source. But I digress. 🙃 I definitely will.

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