Phrag. andreettae first bloom

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
The shape is pretty bad. Is there any hope for it to improve in the future? Many of the andreettae photos online have wonky flowers...





Thanks for looking!

you call this bad ?

This is one of the best looking andrettae i have seen from photos of them so far.
This flower is quite balance on both sides of the vertical axis
I would agree. This is a nice looking andrettae. Species has a flower that is a little different and outside the drive for rounded flowers but this one is good.

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Looks good to me!
I think the trend in judging is a flat face, which naturally is completely useless (one has to assume most slippers stay 'cupped' to keep rain out of the pouch). I personally find the more natural petal shape more appealing.
Hopefully silly human "judges" (whatever that is/means) will change their trends in the near future, though I am sure the orchids could care less.:p
Thank you all! I appreciate it for what it is: a rare slipper orchid that normally grows on the other side of the world blooming on my window sill. And it's nice to have some wild looking plants in the collection.

To those who've sent me PMs: I can't reply to your message because your inbox is full. I don't want to sell the plant, sorry. It would not be possible anyway since we live on different continents :)