I really love these plants and am tempted to try one. Can it tolerate summers in the mid-80's?
In shade, with lots of air movement -- and water.
I really love these plants and am tempted to try one. Can it tolerate summers in the mid-80's?
I really love these plants and am tempted to try one. Can it tolerate summers in the mid-80's?
That's a Beauty:clap::clap:
I have a different OL cross in bloom. Wanna try and breed them?
See PM.
Try it again! I didn't receive one.
Welcome to the harsh realm of besseae and most of its hybrids!Aww... my besseae flower fell offI hoped I could have two flowers open at the same time.
I really love these plants and am tempted to try one. Can it tolerate summers in the mid-80's?