Phrag. boissierianum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Bogotá (Colombia)
Not sure if it is boissierianum, boissierianum var. reticulatum, or var. czerwiakowianum, but I like it because it has almost no pigmentation... so it thought that it could be a good candidate to be crossed x anguloi. What do you think?

Not sure which one it is but I like your idea of crossing with anguloi though I can't even imagine the outcome.
Should be an interesting cross. I have always wondered about this. I always hear that phrag longifolium car album was the one and only album phrag. But couldn't some of the boisserianum clones be considered album? Some may have a little pigment on the stem but the flower is all green and white with no color.
Cheyenne, i've never seen one boissierianum pure album. All the pale clones i've seen had some coloration at least in the petal tips.About other species, Olaf published a picture of a hirtzii album in his book... but i have some doubts, I see some degree of hybridation with boissierianum in it...

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