Madd Virologist
Brown tips= not enough water. Has little to do with fertilizer IMOJust wondering, did you find that out too late, hence the clipped leaves, or do the tips turn brown anyway?
Brown tips= not enough water. Has little to do with fertilizer IMOJust wondering, did you find that out too late, hence the clipped leaves, or do the tips turn brown anyway?
Just wondering, did you find that out too late, hence the clipped leaves, or do the tips turn brown anyway?
Brown tips= not enough water. Has little to do with fertilizer IMO
I agree, unless your fertilizer is off the chart. As water evaporates (or is absorbed by the plant) the fertilizer concentrates in the moisture that is left, or leaches to the surface of the media you use. If kept moist, then the roots/leaves shouldn't burn.
My hubby fertilizes everytime he waters and the plant did not get flushed with plain water at all . He even had some phrag leaves to develope white streaks... we were informed this bleaching is the plant getting too much food and not being able to use it...sure enough, flushing and cutting back on fertilzer, the leaves turned green again...very weird and scary though !