Phrag. Eumelia Arias

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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For me, most of the Phrags do have scent, sometimes very subtle and most of the time not very pleasant, some Grade are foul-smelling (rotting flesh or urine). Usually the scent is stronger in the morning and just after watering.

From now, only schlimii got a nice sweet scent of rose or raspberry and that nice fragrance can be transmitted in some of its crosses (Hanna Popow, St Ouen …). Some clones are particularly fragrant, I’m having one clone you can enjoy the nice strong fragrance as far as 6 feet from it just after watering.
#4 and #5 are in bloom. Unfortunately the other 3 blasted (again) so these are the last of the bunch.

#5. This has the best form by far of the bunch. The petals haven't reflexed nearly as much as the rest despite being open for several days. It's the most robust plant of the 5 bloomers, so maybe that's why...?

#4. This came out with a wonky pouch. I'll give it another shot.

I solved my EA non-blooming problem by buying
one in spike. Looking at the one in spike tells me
the other one that's tagged EA isn't.

Stephen, the color on your flowers is so very
nice. I love those shades of pink.

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