Phrag. Fritz Schomburg

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That one really is a beauty.

If you ever get board of blooming such amazing plants I could always arrange some trades (lol).

You have amassed an amazing collection.

Thanks for sharing the pic.
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Congratulations!

As for the wet wall, you could REALLY get the temps down both day and night if you installed a large concrete cistern underground (mine is 6,000 gallons). The water would be stable at about 50*F year 'round. You could use that cold water for the wet wall in the hot months.
90F max at the wet wall, 96F on the opposite end of the greenhouse. Most of the cooler growers are closer to the wet wall. But very high humidity and lots of air movement. They will all grow very slowly for the next several months. I just wish I could get below the upper 70s at night which is not possible.

I'm not exactly sure what wet wall is, but when Parkside had this "wet wall" which looked a large machine, cooler I guess, at one end of their greenhouse where they grew all the cool grueling things situated closer to that end of the greenhouse. I don't remember the temperature in there but I felt very cool walking around in there. And it was end of July!

I assume it may cost a lot of money for running it all the time for a few months though.
very nice. looks almost like a double dose of besseae to make up for the usual ruffling.
This is one of the very best I have ever seen!! Seriously incredible!!

I'll say it...put me on the list for a division!

it is absolutely amazing no matter what! But I wonder if Chicago Chad might be onto something and it might be a kovachii x a 4n besseae...which doesn't take away anything from this blooming but makes it unlikely it can contribute its genes to further generations....
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Congratulations!

As for the wet wall, you could REALLY get the temps down both day and night if you installed a large concrete cistern underground (mine is 6,000 gallons). The water would be stable at about 50*F year 'round. You could use that cold water for the wet wall in the hot months.

John, that is a great idea! Maybe when I expand one day I'll try to figure that out.
Gorgeous. Much redder than our grex.

It is not a true red but maybe a salmon red. I think different monitors show colors differently. Redder than all my others though.

Fcc if it has the size. Stunning. Is the plant particularly huge?

The plant size is about normal for the cross(in comparison to the 7 others I have.) The flower size on this one is around 12.1cm which is above the awarded flower size average but the only FCC given to a Fritz Schomburg has a flower size of 13.1. Now I do have a tetraploid (3N) Fritz and it's best flower size is a whopping 15.2cm, but does not have the fullness of petals near the pouch. But it is very nice too.

I think my FS is from HP Norton; more light pink.

I have others from HP and they ALL vary in color. None the same and of course the two made with a besseae flavum are very light pink.

But I wonder if Chicago Chad might be onto something and it might be a kovachii x a 4n besseae...

I don't know about it being a triploid. HP made the Fritz Schomburg cross MANY times with different parents and unfortunately no clonal names are given on the labels. He used both 2N and 4N besseae over the years in breeding though. I would have to use it for breeding with a known 2N parent and see if the seed is fertile. I did keep the pollen off the last flower so we'll see.

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