Phrag. kovachii ‘Laura’

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Feb 19, 2013
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Happy Holidays All!

I am happy to report that I bloomed out my second phrag. kovachii and wanted to share pics. It’s about 5” across at the moment.

This plant was purchased in 2018 from Alfredo Manrique at the annual NCOS Paph Forum. The clonal name is ‘Laura’ and I believe this was one of the first studs in his breeding program. Still unclear if it was jungle collected. If anyone has info, please share. I have a few emails out trying to dig up more history.

When the first kovachii seedlings were available to purchase from piping rock back in the mid 2000’s they were seedlings from a cross of (Ana x Laura). I regrettably killed a few of these plants over the years learning the culture 😕.


That's fantastic, Pete.

So what about its culture did you need to understand to get it to grow and bloom well?
Thanks All. I think the key to getting these to grow for me I have mentioned in the other post here.
But here are the main points I believe help.
  • Grodan Chunks (rockwool), perlite, charcoal, oysters shells in a NET pot.
  • Temps below 80F, even in the summer months, with good air movement.
  • RO water (low TDS), constant low feed (25-50 PPM) daily with a second round of RO water Daily or every other day as needed, keeping the media wet.
  • Lower light levels, they seem to be doing well for me at the edge of the LED light footprint. The link above shows their position on the grow table.
  • Added Magnesium. Epsom salts have been upped to a monthly treatment for me (50-100ppm), as I feel I need more due to the stripped RO water.
  • My humidity never drops below 60, and on average is in the 70's, spiking at night.
  • Moss. There is something about the moss growing on the rockwool, which once the moss establishes, the plant really starts to establish itself with new flush of roots and foliage, as well as new leads.

Hope this helps. Alfredo's culture info is here. Glens culture info is here.
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Nice. Are you going to try breeding with it? (Too bad it bloomed now, instead of for the Paph Forum.)
I probably will at some point, I have another kovachii seedling from Chuck Acker with a spike I believe. It's young, but I will try with kovachii, once I see what I've got to work with.. lots pf phrags in spike at the moment.
Thanks All. I think the key to getting these to grow for me I have mentioned in the other post here.
But here are the main points I believe help.
  • Grodan Chunks (rockwool), perlite, charcoal, oysters shells in a NET pot.
  • Temps below 80F, even in the summer months, with good air movement.
  • RO water (low TDS), constant low feed (25-50 PPM) daily with a second round of RO water Daily or every other day as needed, keeping the media wet.
  • Lower light levels, they seem to be doing well for me at the edge of the LED light footprint. The link above shows their position on the grow table.
  • Added Magnesium. Epsom salts have been upped to a monthly treatment for me (50-100ppm), as I feel I need more due to the stripped RO water.
  • My humidity never drops below 60, and on average is in the 70's, spiking at night.
  • Moss. There is something about the moss growing on the rockwool, which once the moss establishes, the plant really starts to establish itself with new flush of roots and foliage, as well as new leads.

Hope this helps. Alfredo's culture info is here. Glens culture info is here.
Just wanted to add that I found Glen’s cultural summary very helpful, especially the end of his cultural section under Tips: ‘Another way of dealing with higher temperatures is to lower the intensity of the light levels. When plants in need of cooler temperatures are exposed to higher temperatures as well as higher light levels, there will be a problem.’ This is probably one of the best tips for growing most orchids in general and is easily overlooked. I’ve read this article multiple times when I first started growing. Revisiting these culture sections has uncovered a few points that I was unable to see the first few times around as I lacked the mileage/ experience as a grower.
Being a window sill grower with only fans to cool things, I have a difficult time keeping my Phrags cool enough in the summer! I always regret that I haven’t the courage to try Kovachii! I lost 2 Kovachii primary hybrids due to heat so far!
...... I’ve read this article multiple times when I first started growing. Revisiting these culture sections has uncovered a few points that I was unable to see the first few times around as I lacked the mileage/ experience as a grower.....
so glad to hear someone else make that same observation... read, re-read, repeat, re-repeat. AHHH i see it now... :)
What a beautiful glowing ember of a flower.... well done.

And thanks for the tips. I also know that both the good kovachii growers here in Canada also grow in low light and low Ts (with moist roots) like you.
Happy Holidays All!

I am happy to report that I bloomed out my second phrag. kovachii and wanted to share pics. It’s about 5” across at the moment.

This plant was purchased in 2018 from Alfredo Manrique at the annual NCOS Paph Forum. The clonal name is ‘Laura’ and I believe this was one of the first studs in his breeding program. Still unclear if it was jungle collected. If anyone has info, please share. I have a few emails out trying to dig up more history.

When the first kovachii seedlings were available to purchase from piping rock back in the mid 2000’s they were seedlings from a cross of (Ana x Laura). I regrettably killed a few of these plants over the years learning the culture 😕.


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I am curious about that plant with the tag "Horse" on the right side of the kovachii

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