Thanks again everyone. Now the challenge, how to transport without messing up the petals! Maybe I can secure the pot to the tripod/plate form I made then secure that to my SUV!
I figure something out let you all know how things turnout.
Post shift= old leaves. I haven't really seen anymore leaf burn BUT over the past month or so I'm having bud drop, such as in the Toni Temple. Some Maudiae types as well. The question for me; is this due to too low of K?
That has to be one of the best flowering of a small long petaled phrag in history! Beautiful. I thought Nitidissimum was a fairly large plant though. You sure that's what it is?
Nitidissimum is caudatum X Conchiferum. Depending on which longifolium is use Conchiferum can be big or little.
I will have to measure the plant and post it. That might help with the tag's listing!
:clap::clap::clap: Picking myself up off the floor...the most beautiful phrag I have seen and such a small grower ..WOW ! If you ever divide again keep me in mind please !