I dont know if I have ever shown a picture of the "other" Phrag. Fischer brother (Paul is Jason's younger brother). Phrag. Paul Fischer is a cross between Phrag. Praying Sargent and besseae. It rivals Phrag Joan Montmorency when it comes to number of flowers per stem; We have counted up to 25 flowers on a stem blooming at the same time! I think this is another thing breeders can breed for, the only bad thing is that these plants tend to get pretty big! After years of growing this plant as a specimen plant (at one point it had more than 10 flower spikes with over 20 flowers each!) we decided to divide it (and yes we do have divisions for sale now). This plant has never been to a show, as usually the timing was off, and it was kind of big to send down to Chicago, but I am sure it would have gotten some kind of AOS award.
if you are interested in divisions:

if you are interested in divisions: