This is the second bloom on the Phrag. Robin Redbreast flavum's (= Robert Palm flavum x besseae flavum).
I made the cross twice; once with our 4N besseae flavum 'Taiyo' AM/AOS (resulting in 3N Phrag. Robin Redbreast flavum's). The flowers are almost the same size and shape as a Phrag. Jason Fischer, but they are bright yellow to orange in color!
and here is a picture from last year of a 2N Phrag. Robin Redbreast flavum (made with a 2N besseae flavum):
I made the cross twice; once with our 4N besseae flavum 'Taiyo' AM/AOS (resulting in 3N Phrag. Robin Redbreast flavum's). The flowers are almost the same size and shape as a Phrag. Jason Fischer, but they are bright yellow to orange in color!

and here is a picture from last year of a 2N Phrag. Robin Redbreast flavum (made with a 2N besseae flavum):
